Leeds Beckett Student Direct Debit System - Help

Is this site secure?
Your Direct Debit setup will take place within a secure payment system. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, a standard supported by most maj or Internet browsers. All of your personal and bank details are protected using 128 bit encryption when transmitted over the Internet and your card details are stored behind a secure firewall. Only authorised personnel may access this infor mation.

Why should I sign up for Direct Debit online?
You do of course have a choice to sign up using a paper instruction if you prefer, but online sign-up is more efficient. It reduces the need for posta l items (which have an obvious built in time delay and the risk of loss) and limits the environmental impact of the sche me in terms of paper instruction sheets, envelopes etc.

How do I know that the details I supply on-line are secure?
It is a requirement of our being allowed to offer you the option to sign up for Direct Debit on-line that we are accredited with security standards compliant with the demands of the banks and building societies.

I've entered my bank details correctly but I'm still unable to complete the sign-up procedure. Is there a pro blem with your system?
Its more likely that the bank account details you are supplying are for an account which does not support Direct Debit at all, or does not support Paperless Direct Debit. Some accounts that supp ort Direct Debit through the paper sign-up route might not support on-line sign-up. We run a validity check on the deta ils you provide us but unfortunately cannot always identify why some details are rejected. We would recommend that you e ither try to sign up with a different bank account or opt for paper sign-up; your bank should be able to advise you spec ifically why you were unable to succeesfully sign up on-line.

What does modulus check failed mean?
This means that the bank account number and sort code being entered is an invalid combination, please check that the information entered is correct.

I am being told that my account does not support Direct Debits. What does this mean?
This means that the bank details being provided do not belong to an account to which Direct Debit can be charged. This may be because it is a savings account. You will need to have a bank account to which Direct D ebit can be charged, please contact your bank for further details.

I am being told that my account details do not support AUDDIS; what does this mean?
This means that your account does not allow the setting up o f a Direct Debit instruction on-line. You may alternatively select the option to print a Direct Debit instruction, compl ete it manually and send it to us by post.